Take Action
Entwine offers a set of uniquely crafted pathways for Jewish professional and lay leaders to hone their skills and commitment to overseas issues while engaging deeply with the global Jewish world.
JDC Entwine Global Jewish Service Corps
The JDC Entwine Global Jewish Service Corps Fellowship (JSC) offers young Jews the opportunity to directly engage with JDC’s global mission while actively fulfilling the value of global Jewish responsibility. Volunteer overseas in a year-long, paid fellowship. Invest in developing Jewish and non-Jewish communities around the world and in your own leadership development – all through a Jewish lens.

Ralph I. Goldman Fellowship in Global Jewish Leadership (RIG)
The Ralph I. Goldman Fellowship in Global Jewish Leadership (RIG) is JDC’s premier leadership opportunity, awarded to one person annually, for young thinkers and doers — policy makers, writers, business innovators, artists, and community builders. The Fellowship enriches a rising leader through direct exposure to local communities around the world and key challenges confronting the Jewish people.

The JDC Global Leader's Initiative (GLI)
The JDC Global Leader’s Initiative (GLI) is a brand new, cutting-edge leadership training platform. This first-of-its kind initiative trains talented young people to respond to 21st century global Jewish challenges, while simultaneously placing them in substantive leadership roles as members of JDC’s Board of Directors for a two-year term.
Entwine Community Representatives
Entwine’s Community Representatives are a cohort of volunteer leaders responsible for facilitating local programs in their home communities on global Jewish issues, engaging their peers in Entwine’s transformational overseas experiences, and growing our Entwine community.

Weitzman-JDC Fellowship in Global Jewish Leadership
The first of its kind in the Jewish world, this new academic platform helps prepare an elite cadre of up-and-coming rabbinic, cantorial, and Jewish education students to respond to global issues facing 21st century Jewry.
Trip Chairs
Entwine’s trip chairs are leaders on Insider Trips who help drive trip-based learning, group dynamics and post-trip assiyah (action). As ambassadors of JDC Entwine, Trip Chairs are empowered and equipped to use Entwine’s Insider Trips as a vehicle for developing their leadership skills. Trip Chairs help fellow participants have a more meaningful experience abroad and bring awareness of global Jewish causes to their local communities.